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We recommend you download our Rules & Categories document and draft your submission off-line before uploading your answers online. The document details each question that the judges will look at to assess your project.
You can enter more than one category by checking multiple boxes. You can also enter more than one project into each category.
Questions marked with * are mandatory for the submission process. We recommend answering as many of the other questions as possible for a well-rounded submission.
All financial information provided will be treated as confidential but will be viewed by the judges.
If you require further guidance, please contact our team on
Category 1 & 2 – Project of the Year**
**Residential, education (not including student accommodation complexes), leisure and tourism, refurbished or retrofitted buildings, and heritage projects are excluded from this category. See other relevant categories relating to these projects.
Projects entered into this category will be split into one of two sub-categories after submission based on the size and value of the project. Please include the gross value of the project excluding land costs.
The prize in this category will be awarded to the project, deal or development which, in the opinion of the judges is deemed to be innovative and/or exceptional whilst demonstrating commitment to sustainability through design, construction and vision of future use. Evidence of the environmental, social and economic value of the project should also be demonstrated. Entries may include offices, co-working space, industrial and retail projects, student accommodation complexes, hospitals, village halls, doctors surgeries etc. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. Entries can be made from the private or public sectors.
Category 3 – Regeneration Project of the Year
The prize in this category will be awarded to the project that involved work of significant refurbishment, retrofitting, regeneration or transformation value on an existing property to give it a new lease of life and an environmentally efficient future. This may include transformation of an existing property or a new development on brownfield land. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been physically completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. There is no limit to project value.
Category 4 – Education Project of the Year
The prize in this category will be awarded to the education building, project or development which, in the opinion of the judges, is deemed to be innovative and/or exceptional whilst demonstrating commitment to sustainability through design, construction and vision of future use. Evidence of the environmental, social and economic value of the project should also be demonstrated. Suitable entries may include schools, colleges and universities. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. There is no limit to project value.
Category 5 – Leisure and Tourism Project of the Year
The prize in this category will be awarded to the leisure or hospitality building, project or development which, in the opinion of the judges, is deemed to be innovative and/or exceptional whilst demonstrating commitment to sustainability through design, construction and vision of future use. Evidence of the environmental, social and economic value of the project should also be demonstrated. Suitable entries may include hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafés, visitor attractions, museums, theatres, holiday apartment complexes and sports facilities. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. There is no limit to project value.
Category 6 – Heritage Project of the Year
The prize in this category will be awarded to the project that involved work on an existing older building to retain its heritage value. The project may have restored, adapted or refurbished a building to keep its original purpose, or, to create a new use for the building. This category could include buildings such as churches, pubs, industrial spaces or museums. Buildings may have been listed or be considered historically important. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. There is no limit to project value.
Category 7 – Residential Project of the Year (36 homes and over)
The prize in this category will be awarded to the residential project, deal or development which, in the opinion of the judges, is deemed to be innovative and/or exceptional whilst demonstrating commitment to sustainability through design, construction and vision of future use. Evidence of the environmental, social and economic value of the project should also be demonstrated. Projects entered must have 36 homes or over. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024.
Category 8 – Residential Project of the Year (35 homes and under)
The prize in this category will be awarded to the residential project, deal or development which, in the opinion of the judges, is deemed to be innovative and/or exceptional whilst demonstrating commitment to sustainability through design, construction and vision of future use. Evidence of the environmental, social and economic value of the project should also be demonstrated. Projects entered must have 35 homes or under. A substantial and identifiable stage of the project entered must have been completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. Developments with six homes or under are excluded from this category.